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"In the Album of a very Young Lady"
"To Caroline Maria Applebee"
"To Cecilia Catherine Lawton"
"To a Lady who Desired me to Write Her Epitaph"
"To Her youngest Daughter"
"To Mrs. F——, on Her Return from Gibraltar"
"To Esther Field"
"To Mrs. Williams"
"To S.F."
"To R.Q."
"To S.L."
"To M.L."
"An Acrostic against Acrostics"
"Un Solitaire"
"To S.T."
"To Mrs. Sarah Robinson"
"To Sarah"
"Acrostic" (Joseph Vale Asbury)
"To D.A."
"To Sarah James of Beguildy"
"To Emma Button"
Addington, Henry, Lamb's epigram on
Aders, Charles, Lamb's poem to
Albion, The, and Lamb
"In the Album of a Clergyman's Lady"
"In the Autograph Book of Mrs. Sergeant W——"
"In the Album of Lucy Barton"
"In the Album of Miss ——"
"In the Album of a very Young Lady"
"In the Album of a French Teacher"
"In the Album of Miss Daubeny"
"In the Album of Mrs. Jane Towers"
"In My Own Album"
"In the Album of Edith S——"
"To Dora W——"
"In the Album of Rotha Q——"
"In the Album of Catherine Orkney"
"What is an Album"
"The First Leaf of Spring"
"To M.L.F."
"To the Book"
"On Being Asked to Write in Miss Westwood's Album"
"In Miss Westwood's Album"
"The Sisters" (See also under the heading of ACROSTICS.)
"Angel Help"
Ann Simmons (Lamb's "Anna")
Annual Anthology, Lamb's contribution to
Anti-Jacobin, The, and Lamb
"ANTONIO" by Godwin
"Ape, The"
Athenaeum, The, Lamb's contributions to
"Ballad Noting the Difference of Rich and Poor"
"from the German"
"Singers, The"
"Barton, Bernard, To"
Lucy, Lamb's verses to
Beaumont, Francis, "ed
Bijou, The, Lamb's contribution to
Blackwood's Magazine, the Lambs' contributions to
Blakesware and Widford
"BLANK VERSE," by Lloyd and Lamb
Bourne, Vincent
Lamb's translations
Burney, Martin, Lamb's sonnet to
Sarah, Lamb's poem to
Burton, Lamb's imitation of
Byron, Lord, Lamb's epigram on
Campbell, J. Dykes, on JOHN WOODVIL
Canning, George, Lamb's epigrams on
Caroline of Brunswick, Lamb's championship of
Carter, Ben, of Blakesware
"Catechist, The Young"
Champion, The, Lamb's contributions to
"Change, The"
Chatterton, Thomas
"Cheap Gifts"
"Christening, The"
Clarkes, the Cowden
Coleridge, S.T., Lamb's dedication to
his "POEMS"
and Sara, Lamb's lines to
his alteration of Lamb's sonnets
on Lamb's sonnet "We were two pretty babes"
in Gillray's cartoon
and "The Old Familiar Faces"
his translation of "Thekla's Song"
Sara, her Latinity
"Composed at Midnight"
"Confidant, The," by Crabbe, adapted by Lamb
"Cook, To David"
Cornwall, Barry. See PROCTER, B.W.
Cowley, Abraham, "ed
"Cowper, To the Poet"
Crabbe, George, Lamb's adaptation of
Da Vinci, Leonardo, poems upon
Day, Matthew, Lamb's epigram on
Dedication of Lamb's "WORKS" to Coleridge of Lamb's "POEMS," 1797, to his sister
Dedication of Lamb's "ALBUM VERSES" to Moxon
Defoe, Daniel
"Dialogue between a Mother and Child"
"Dick Strype"
"Divine Subjects, Fancy Employed on"
Dix, Margaret, Lamb's epitaph on
Dockwra, Tom, of Widford
Dorrell, William, the swindler
"Douglas, The Tomb of"
Drake, Onesimus, of the East India House
"Dramatic Fragment"
Druitt, Mary, Lamb's epitaph upon
"Dying Lover"
East India House epigrams
Englishman's Magazine, Lamb's contributions to
Epigrams possibly by Lamb
Epilogue to Godwin's "ANTONIO" to Siddons' "TIME'S A TELL-TALE" to Kenney's "DEBTOR AND CREDITOR" to an amateur performance of "RICHARD II" to Knowles' "THE WIFE"
"Epitaph on a Dog" "on a Young Lady"
Examiner, The, Lamb's contributions to
"Existence, Considered in Itself, no Blessing"
"Faces, The Old Familiar"
"Family Name, The"
"Fancy Employed on Divine Subjects"
"Farewell to Tobacco, A"
Fast Day, Lamb's epigram on
"FAULKENER," by Godwin
"Female Orators, The"
Fenwick, John, editor of The Albion
Field, family, the poems to
Mrs., Lamb's grandmother
"Free Thoughts on Several Eminent Composers"
Frend, Sophia, Lamb's poems to,
Frere, John Hookham, Lamb's epigram on
"Friend, To a"
"From the Latin"
Fryer, Miss, Lamb's poem for
George IV., Lamb's epigrams on
Gifford, William, Lamb's sonnet upon
Gillray, James, his cartoons
"Gipsy's Malison, The"
Godwin, William, his "ANTONI" his "FAULKENER"
Goethe on Lamb's "Family Name"
"Going or Gone"
"Grandame, The"
Hamilton of Bangor "ed
Hardy, Lieutenant, Lamb's poem to
"Harmony in Unlikeness"
Haydon, B.R., Lamb's verses to
Hazlitt, William, on Lamb in the country
"Hercules Pacificatus"
Hessey, Archdeacon, his memories of Lamb
Hogsflesh, a well-known name
Hone, William, Lamb's poem to his publications, Lamb's contributions to
Hood, Thomas, his child's death
"House-keeper, The"
Hunt, Leigh, Lamb's poem to on "Composed at Midnight" and Lamb's poem, "To T.L.H." Thornton, Lamb's poem to
Hutchinson, Mr. Thomas, on JOHN WOODVIL
"In Tabulam Eximii…."
Indicator, The, Lamb's contributions to
Isola, Agostino
Emma, Lamb's poems to
Jerdan, William, Lamb's epigram on
JOHN WOODVIL volume, 1802, poems in
Kelly, Frances Maria (Fanny), and Lamb
"Kelly, To Miss"
Kenney, James, his "DEBTOR AND CREDITOR"
Knight, Ann.
Knowles, James Sheridan. his comedy "THE WIFE"
"Lady's Sapphic, A"
Lamb, Charles, dedicates his "WORKS" to Coleridge at the Salutation Inn his Earliest Poem, "Mille viae mortis" his contributions to Coleridge's "POEMS" his praise of Mrs. Siddons his partnership with Coleridge his love poems verses on his grandmother his contributions to Coleridge's "POEMS," 1797 his poems to his sister his verses to Charles Lloyd his verses to Cowper his Bristol holiday refused his contributions to "BLANK VERSE," 1798 his lines on his aunt his lines on his father his grief for his mother's death his "Old Familiar Faces" Mary Lamb laughs at him in "Helen" his translation from the German his imitations of Burton his "WORKS" his lines on Hester Savory his "Farewell to Tobacco" his lines to Thornton Leigh Hunt his sonnets to Miss Kelly his sonnet on his name his sonnet to his brother his sonnet to Martin Burney his "ALBUM VERSES" his poem on Hood's child his verses to Bernard Barton his verses on Emma Isola his sonnets on "Work" and "Leisure" his sonnets to Samuel Rogers his sonnet on the sheep stealer his sonnet to Barry Cornwall his lines to Sheridan Knowles his quatrains to Hone his skill in acrostics his translations from Bourne his "Ode to the Treadmill" his poem on old Widford friends his "POETICAL WORKS," 1836 his sonnet to Stothard his lines to Moxon on his marriage his poems on Louisa Martin his "Free Thoughts on Composers" his epitaph on Mary Druitt his verses to Haydon his sonnet to Sarah Burney his sonnet to Leigh Hunt his lines to Charles Aders his translations from Palingenius his lines to Clara Novello ALBUM VERSES AND ACROSTICS his political and other epigrams and Sir James Mackintosh his attacks on Canning his contempt for George IV. his attack on Gifford on the spy system his defence of Caroline of Brunswick epigram on Lord Byron writes for Merchant Taylors' boys burlesque of "Angel Help" his "Satan in Search of a Wife" as a writer of prologues and epilogues as a playwright
Lamb, Charles, and Coleridge's pamphlet of sonnets
his dedication of his verses to Mary Lamb
and The Anti-Jacobin
and Coleridge's "Wallenstein"
and Dr. Parr
his dedication to Moxon
attacked by Literary Gazette
defended by Southey in The Times
frames a picture with Hood
and Henry Meyer
and the thought of death
his letter from Samuel Rogers
on "The Gipsy's Malison"
Mary Lamb's poem on him
his farewell to albums
Archdeacon Hessey's memories of him
his epigrams on India House clerks
his generosity to Moxon
his history of JOHN WOODVIL
on the title of "Pride's Cure"
sends JOHN WOODVIL to Manning
on the plot of "MR. H."
hisses his own play
Elizabeth, Lamb's mother
John, Lamb's father
Lamb's brother, sonnet to
Mary, poems by
Lamb's poems
dedication to
on the death of John Wordsworth
her Latin pupils
Sarah (Hetty), Lamb's aunt
Landon, L.E., Lamb
Latin epigram by Lamb verses to Haydon
Lilley, John, of Blakesware
"Lines Addressed … to Sara and S.T.C."
"Suggested by a Picture of Two Females"
"on the Same Picture being Removed to Make Place for the
Portrait of a Lady by Titian"
"on Da Vinci's 'Virgin of the Rocks'" (two poems)
"Addressed to Lieutenant Hardy"
"for a Monument"
Literary Gazette, Lamb's epigram on and "ALBUM VERSES"
"Living without God in the World"
Lloyd, Charles, "POEMS ON THE DEATH OF PRISCILLA FARMER" Lamb's poems to his "BLANK VERSE" his "Lines on the Fast" and Sophia Pemberton and JOHN WOODVIL
London Magazine, Lamb's contributions to
"Love will Come"
Mackintosh, Sir James, Lamb's verses to
Manning, Thomas, and JOHN WOODVIL
Martin, Louisa, Lamb's poems on
Massinger, Philip, "ed
Merchant Taylors' School, epigrams by Lamb
Meyer, Henry
"Mille Viae Mortis"
Mitford, John
Molineaux the pugilist
Monthly Magazine, The, Lamb's contributions to
Morning Chronicle, Lamb's contributions to Post, Lamb's contributions to
Moxon, Edward, Lamb's poem to
his career
Lamb's dedication to
"MR. H——"
in America
Music, Lamb and
Nelson, epigram on
New Monthly Magazine, Lamb's contribution to
Times, Lamb's contribution to
Newton's Principia
"Nonsense Verses"
Novello, Clara, Lamb's poems to the three sisters
"Old Familiar Faces, The"
"On a Deaf and Dumb Artist"
"On a Sepulchral Statue of an Infant Sleeping"
"On an Infant Dying as soon as Born"
"On seeing Mrs. K—— B——, aged upwards of eighty, nurse an Infant"
"On the Sight of Swans in Kensington Garden"
Orkney, Catherine, Lamb's poem to
Palingenius, Lamb's translations of
Parr, Dr., and Lamb
"Parting Speech of the Celestial Messenger"
"Pawnbroker's Daughter, The"
Pemberton, Sophia, and Charles Lloyd
Pichot, Amédée, his translation of "The Family Name"
"Pindaric Ode to the Tread Mill"
Pitt, William, epigram on
Plumer, Mrs., of Gilston
"POEMS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS," Lamb's contributions to
Poetical Recreations of "The Champion"
"Pride's Cure," first name for JOHN WOODVIL
Procter, B.W. (Barry Cornwall)
Prologue to Godwin's "FAULKENER"
Coleridge's "REMORSE"
Knowles' "THE WIFE"
"Quatrains to the Editor of the Every-Day Book"
Quillinan, Rotha, Lamb's poems to.
Reflector, The, Lamb's contribution to
"Repentance, A Vision of"
"RICHARD II.," Lamb's epilogue for
Rigg family, the, tragedy of
"Rival Bells, The"
Rogers, Daniel, Lamb's sonnet on
Samuel, on his brother's death
"To Samuel" (two poems)
Rutter, Mr. J.A., and "The Old Familiar Faces"
"Sabbath Bells, The"
"St. Crispin to Mr. Gifford"
Salutation Inn
Schiller translated by Lamb
"Self-Enchanted, The"
"She is Going"
Siddons, Mrs., Lamb's sonnet to
Henry, his "TIME'S A TELL-TALE"
Simmons, Ann (Lamb's "Anna")
Smoking, Lamb on
Solomon, Dr., of the Balm of Gilead
Sonnet: "As when a child"
"Was it some sweet device"
"Methinks how dainty sweet"
"O! I could laugh"
"When last I roved"
"A timid grace"
"If from my lips"
"We were two pretty"
"The Lord of Life"
"To a Friend"
"To Miss Kelly"
"On the Sight of Swans in Kensington Garden"
"The Family Name"
"To John Lamb, Esq."
"To Martin Charles Burney, Esq."
"Harmony in Unlikeness"
"Written at Cambridge"
"To a Celebrated Female Performer in the 'Blind Boy'"
"To Samuel Rogers, Esq."
"The Gipsy's Malison"
"To the Author of Poems Published under the Name of Barry Cornwall,"
"In the Album of Edith S——"
"To Dora W——"
"In the Album of Rotha Q——"
"To T. Stothard, Esq."
"O lift with reverent hand"
"To Miss Burney"
"To Samuel Rogers, Esq., on the New Edition of his Pleasures of Memory"
"To Louisa Morgan"
"St. Crispin to Mr. Gifford"
"To Mathew Wood, Esq."
"O gentle look," by Coleridge and Lamb
Southey, Edith, Lamb's poem to
Robert, in Gillray's cartoon
his defence of Lamb
Spy system, Lamb's verses on
Stothard, Thomas, Lamb's poem to
Sturms, Captain, of the East India House
Suidas, Lamb's adaptation of
"Thekla's Song," by Schiller
Thelwall, John, and The Champion
"Three Graves, The"
"Time and Eternity"
Times, The, Lamb's contributions to
"To a Young Friend" (two poems)
"To a Young Lady"
"To Bernard Barton"
"To C. Aders, Esq."
"To Charles Lloyd" (second poem)
"To Clara N——"
"To David Cook"
"To Emma Learning Latin"
"To John Lamb, Esq."
"To Margaret W——"
"To Martin Charles Burney, Esq."
"To Miss Burney"
"To My Friend The Indicator"
"To R.S. Knowles, Esq."
"To Samuel Rogers, Esq." (two poems).
"To Sir James Mackintosh"
"To T.L.H."
"To the Author of Poems Published under the Name of Barry Cornwall"
"To the Poet Cowper"
"To T. Stotbard, Esq."
"To a Friend on his Marriage"
"To Louisa M——"
"Tobacco, A Farewell to"
"Tomb of Douglas, The"
Towers, Mrs. Jane, Lamb's verses to.
Treadmill, the, Lamb's ode to.
"Triumph of the Whale, The"
Tween, Mrs., on Lamb.
"Twelfth Night Characters"
"Vision of Repentance, A"
Wagstaff, Timothy, of the East India House
"Wallenstein," ballad from
Wawd (or Wodd) of the East India House
Westwood, Frances, the Lambs' poems to
"Whale, The Triumph of the"
"What is an Album?"
Wheatley, Kitty
Widford and Blakesware
"Wife's Trial, The"
Wilde, Sergeant, Mrs., Lamb's verses to
William IV., Lamb's epigram on
Williams, Mrs., of Fornham, and family
"Witch, The"
Wood, Matthew, Lamb's sonnet to
WOODVIL, JOHN, poems in
Wordsworth, Dora, Lamb's poem to
John, lines on his death
"WORKS," 1818, dedication of poems in
"Written a Year after the Events"
"Written at Cambridge"
"Written on Christmas Day"
"Written on the Day of my Aunt's Funeral"
"Written soon after the Preceding Poem"
"Written upon the Cover of a Blotting Book"
"Young Catechist, The"
"Young Friend, To a" (two poems)
"Young Lady, To a" The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 4