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  A Heart which felt unkindness, yet complained not, 88.

  A passing glance was all I caught of thee, 79.

  A sight like this might find apology, 92.

  A stranger, and alone, I past those scenes, 21.

  A thief, on dreary Bagshot's heath well known, 364.

  A timid grace sits trembling in her eye, 8.

  A tuneful challenge rings from either side, 66.

  A weeping Londoner I am, 247.

  Adsciscit sibi divitias et opes alienas, 123.

  Alas! how am I chang'd! Where be the tears, 22.

  All are not false. I knew a youth who died, 85.

  All unadvised, and in an evil hour, 118.

  Alone, obscure, without a friend, 12.

  An Album is a Banquet: from the store, 78.

  An Album is a Garden, not for show, 46.

  An Ape is but a trivial beast, 89.

  An author who has given you all delight, 140.

  And hath thy blameless life become, 70.

  Array'd—a half-angelic sight, 52.

  As swallows shrink before the wintry blast, 126.

  As when a child on some long winter's night, 4.

  At Eton School brought up with dull boys, 115.

  Beautiful Infant, thou dost keep, 66.

  Beneath this slab lies Matthew Day, 126.

  Blank tho' I be, within you'll find, 114.

  Bound for the port of matrimonial bliss, 140.

  Bright spirits have arisen to grace the Burney name, 91.

  But now time warns (my mission at an end), 98.

  By crooked arts, and actions sinister, 359.

  By Enfield lanes, and Winchmore's verdant hill, 58.

  By myself walking, 29.

  Canadia! boast no more the toils, 79.

  Caroline glides smooth in verse, 63.

  Charles Lamb, to those who know thee justly dear, 331.

  Charmed with the lines thy hand has sent, 352.

  Choral service, solemn chanting, 64.

  Ci git the remains of Margaret Dix, 125.

  Close by the ever-burning brimstone beds, 119.

  Consummate Artist, whose undying name, 80.

  Cowper, I thank my God, that thou art heal'd, 16.

  Crown me a cheerful goblet, while I pray, 57.

  Dim were the stars, and clouded was the azure, 357.

  Divided praise, Lady, to you we owe, 113.

  Droop not, dear Emma, dry those falling tears, 93.

  Emma, eldest of your name, 114.

  Envy not the wretched Poet, 109.

  Esther, holy name and sweet, 106.

  External gifts of fortune, or of face, 58.

  False world, 143.

  Fine merry franions, 75.

  For much good-natured verse received from thee, 69.

  For their elder Sister's hair, 57.

  Forgive me, Burney, if to thee these late, 45.

  Fresh clad from heaven in robes of white, 50.

  Friend of my earliest years and childish days, 18.

  Friendliest of men, Aders, I never come, 94.

  From broken visions of perturbed rest, 26.

  Go little Poem, and present, 107.

  Grace Joanna here doth lie, 65.

  Great Newton's self, to whom the world's in debt, 71.

  Guard thy feelings pretty Vestal, 102.

  Habits are stubborn things, 86.

  Had he mended in right time, 341.

  Had I a power, Lady, to my will, 46.

  Hard is the heart that does not melt with ruth, 18.

  He lies a Volunteer so fine, 124.

  Here lies the body of Timothy Wagstaff, 125.

  Here lieth the body of Captain Sturms, 125.

  High-born Helen, round your dwelling, 28.

  His namesake, born of Jewish breeder, 116.

  Hold on thy course uncheck'd, heroic Wood! 119.

  How blest is he who in his age, exempt, 113.

  How many wasting, many wasted years, 106.

  I am a widow'd thing, now thou art gone, 25.

  I deal in aliments fictitious, 116.

  I had a sense in dreams of a beauty rare, 81.

  I have had playmates, I have had companions, 25, 323.

  I like you, and your book, ingenuous Hone! 63.

  I put my night-cap on my head, 115.

  I saw a famous fountain, in my dream, 13.

  I saw where in the shroud did lurk, 53.

  I was not train'd in Academic bowers, 59.

  If from my lips some angry accents fell, 9.

  If we have sinn'd in paring down a name, 202.

  Implored for verse, I send you what I can, 49.

  In a costly palace Youth goes clad in gold, 30.

  In Christian world Mary the garland wears, 78.

  In days of yore, ere early Greece, 95.

  In merry England I computed once, 123.

  In my poor mind it is most sweet to muse, 9.

  In one great man we view with odds, 118.

  Inspire thy spirit, Spirit of De Foe, 72.

  Io! Paean! Io! sing, 116.

  Jane, you are welcome from the barren Rock, 105.

  John, you were figuring in the gay career, 44.

  Joy to unknown Josepha who, I hear, 48.

  Judgements are about us thoroughly, 112.

  Ladies, ye've seen how Guzman's consort died, 138.

  Lady Unknown, who crav'st from me Unknown, 50.

  Laura, too partial to her friends' enditing, 122.

  Lazy-bones, lazy-bones, wake up, and peep! 123.

  Least Daughter, but not least beloved, of Grace, 65.

  Let hate, or grosser heats, their foulness mask, 61.

  Little Book, surnamed of white, 47.

  Little Casket! Storehouse rare, 107.

  Louisa, serious grown and mild, 82.

  Manners, they say, by climate alter not, 121.

  Margaret, in happy hour, 102.

  Maternal lady with the virgin grace, 42.

  May the Babylonish curse, 34.

  Methinks how dainty sweet it were, reclin'd, 5, 311.

  Model of thy parent dear, 38.

  Much speech obscures the sense; the soul of wit, 122.

  Must I write with pen unwilling, 109.

  My feeble Muse, that fain her best wou'd, 110.

  Mystery of God! thou brave and beauteous world, 19.

  Nigh London's famous Bridge, a Gate more famed, 72.

  Not a woman, child, or man in, 120.

  Now, by Saint Hilary, 341.

  Now the calm evening hastily approaches, 356.

  O gentle look, that didst my look beguile, 308.

  O! I could laugh to hear the midnight wind, 5, 311.

  O Lady, lay your costly robes aside, 33.

  O lift with reverent hand that tarnish'd flower, 82.

  Of all that act, the hardest task is theirs, 145.

  Of these sad truths consideration had, 99.

  Off with Briareus, and his hundred hands, 359.

  On Emma's honest brow we read display'd, 101.

  On the green hill top, 6.

  Once on a charger there was laid, 39.

  One summer night Sir Francis, as it chanced, 199.

  Poor Iras' faithful wolf-dog here I lie, 67.

  Princeps his rent from tinneries draws, 116.

  Queen-bird that sittest on thy shining nest, 43.

  Quid vult iste equitans? et quid oclit ista virorum, 90.

  Rare artist! who with half thy tools, or none, 59.

  Rogers, of all the men that I have known, 60.

  Roi's wife of Brunswick Oëls! 120.

  Rotha, how in numbers light, 108.

  Sarah, blest wife of "Terah's faithful Son," 111.

  Sarah,—your other name I know not, 112.

  Shall I praise a face unseen, 109.

  Sleep hath treasures worth retracing, 113.

  Small beauty to your Book my lines can lend, 110.

  Solemn Legends we are told, 108.

  Solitary man, around thee, 111.

  Some cry up Haydn, some Mozart, 83.

  Some poets by poetic law, 49.

  Soul-breathing verse, thy gentlest guise put on, 111.

  Such goodness in your face doth shine, 48.

  Suck, baby, suck, mother's love grows by giving, 61.

  Tears are for lighter griefs. Man weeps the doom, 94.

  The cheerful sabbath bells, wherever heard, 10.

  The cloud doth gather, the greenwood roar, 324.

  The clouds are blackening, the storms threatening, 29.

  The Devil was sick and queasy of late, 128.

  The frugal snail, with fore-cast of repose, 71.

  The Gods have made me most unmusical, 101.

  The Lady Blanch, regardless of all her lovers' fears, 41.

  The Lord of Life shakes off his drowsihed, 16.

  The reason why my brother's so severe, 345.

  The truant Fancy was a wanderer ever, 10.

  There are, I am told, who sharply criticise, 142.

  They talk of time, and of time's galling yoke, 60.

  This rare tablet doth include, 51.

  Thou fragile, filmy, gossamery thing, 105.

  Thou should'st have longer liv'd, and to the grave, 24.

  Thou too art dead,…! very kind, 21.

  Though thou'rt like Judas, an 'tate black, 115.

  Time-mouldering crosses, gemm'd with imagery, 121.

  'Tis a Book kept by modern Young Ladies for show, 104.

  'Tis pleasant, lolling in our elbow chair, 93.

  To gratify his people's wish, 120.

  To name a Day for general prayer and fast, 123.

  To the memory, of Dr. Onesimus Drake, 125.

  Twelve years ago I knew thee, Knowles, and then, 62.

  Two miracles at once! Compell'd by fate, 122.

  Under this cold marble stone, 88.

  Untoward fate no luckless wight invades, 146.

  Was it so hard a thing? I did but ask, 17.

  Was it some sweet device of Faery, 4, 309.

  We were two pretty babes, the youngest she, 9.

  What makes a happy wedlock? What has fate, 80.

  What reason first imposed thee, gentle name, 44.

  What rider's that? and who those myriads bringing, 90.

  What time in bands of slumber all were laid, 3.

  What Wawd knows, God knows, 124.

  When first our Bard his simple will express'd, 147.

  When her son, her Douglas died, 11.

  When last I roved these winding woodwalks green, 8.

  When last you left your Woodbridge pretty, 55.

  When maidens such as Hester die, 32.

  When thy gay book hath paid its proud devoirs, 100.

  Where seven fair Streets to one tall Column draw, 67.

  Where the soul drinks of misery's power, 126.

  While this tawny Ethiop prayeth, 56.

  While young John runs to greet, 42.

  Who art thou, fair one, who usurp'st the place, 41.

  Who first invented work, and bound the free, 59.

  Why is he wandering on the sea? 328.

  With change of climate manners alter not, 363. The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 4
