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  JOHN WOODVIL (dressing).


  How beautiful, (handling his mourning)

  And comely do these mourning garments shew!

  Sure Grief hath set his sacred impress here,

  To claim the world's respect! they note so feelingly

  By outward types the serious man within.—

  Alas! what part or portion can I claim

  In all the decencies of virtuous sorrow,

  Which other mourners use? as namely,

  This black attire, abstraction from society,

  Good thoughts, and frequent sighs, and seldom smiles,

  A cleaving sadness native to the brow,

  All sweet condolements of like-grieved friends,

  (That steal away the sense of loss almost)

  Men's pity, and good offices

  Which enemies themselves do for us then,

  Putting their hostile disposition off,

  As we put off our high thoughts and proud looks.

  (Pauses, and observes the pictures.)

  These pictures must be taken down:

  The portraitures of our most antient family

  For nigh three hundred years! How have I listen'd,

  To hear Sir Walter, with an old man's pride,

  Holding me in his arms, a prating boy,

  And pointing to the pictures where they hung,

  Repeat by course their worthy histories,

  (As Hugh de Widville, Walter, first of the name,

  And Ann the handsome, Stephen, and famous John:

  Telling me, I must be his famous John.)

  But that was in old times.

  Now, no more

  Must I grow proud upon our house's pride.

  I rather, I, by most unheard of crimes,

  Have backward tainted all their noble blood,

  Rased out the memory of an ancient family,

  And quite revers'd the honors of our house.

  Who now shall sit and tell us anecdotes?

  The secret history of his own times,

  And fashions of the world when he was young:

  How England slept out three and twenty years,

  While Carr and Villiers rul'd the baby king:

  The costly fancies of the pedant's reign,

  Balls, feastings, huntings, shows in allegory,

  And Beauties of the court of James the First.

  Margaret enters.


  Comes Margaret here to witness my disgrace?

  O, lady, I have suffer'd loss,

  And diminution of my honor's brightness.

  You bring some images of old times, Margaret,

  That should be now forgotten.


  Old times should never be forgotten, John.

  I came to talk about them with my friend.


  I did refuse you, Margaret, in my pride.


  If John rejected Margaret in his pride,

  (As who does not, being splenetic, refuse

  Sometimes old play-fellows,) the spleen being gone,

  The offence no longer lives.

  O Woodvil, those were happy days,

  When we two first began to love. When first,

  Under pretence of visiting my father,

  (Being then a stripling nigh upon my age)

  You came a wooing to his daughter, John.

  Do you remember,

  With what a coy reserve and seldom speech,

  (Young maidens must be chary of their speech,)

  I kept the honors of my maiden pride?

  I was your favourite then.


  O Margaret, Margaret!

  These your submissions to my low estate,

  And cleavings to the fates of sunken Woodvil,

  Write bitter things 'gainst my unworthiness.

  Thou perfect pattern of thy slander'd sex,

  Whom miseries of mine could never alienate,

  Nor change of fortune shake; whom injuries,

  And slights (the worst of injuries) which moved

  Thy nature to return scorn with like scorn,

  Then when you left in virtuous pride this house,

  Could not so separate, but now in this

  My day of shame, when all the world forsake me,

  You only visit me, love, and forgive me.


  Dost yet remember the green arbour, John,

  In the south gardens of my father's house,

  Where we have seen the summer sun go down,

  Exchanging true love's vows without restraint?

  And that old wood, you call'd your wilderness,

  And vow'd in sport to build a chapel in it,

  There dwell

  "Like hermit poor

  In pensive place obscure,"

  And tell your Ave Maries by the curls

  (Dropping like golden beads) of Margaret's hair;

  And make confession seven times a day

  Of every thought that stray'd from love and Margaret;

  And I your saint the penance should appoint—

  Believe me, sir, I will not now be laid

  Aside, like an old fashion.


  O lady, poor and abject are my thoughts,

  My pride is cured, my hopes are under clouds,

  I have no part in any good man's love,

  In all earth's pleasures portion have I none,

  I fade and wither in my own esteem,

  This earth holds not alive so poor a thing as I am.

  I was not always thus. (Weeps.)


  Thou noble nature,

  Which lion-like didst awe the inferior creatures,

  Now trampled on by beasts of basest quality,

  My dear heart's lord, life's pride, soul-honor'd John,

  Upon her knees (regard her poor request)

  Your favourite, once-beloved Margaret, kneels.


  What would'st thou, lady, ever-honor'd Margaret?


  That John would think more nobly of himself,

  More worthily of high heaven;

  And not for one misfortune, child of chance,

  No crime, but unforeseen, and sent to punish

  The less offence with image of the greater,

  Thereby to work the soul's humility,

  (Which end hath happily not been frustrate quite,)

  O not for one offence mistrust heaven's mercy,

  Nor quit thy hope of happy days to come—

  John yet has many happy days to live;

  To live and make atonement.


  Excellent lady,

  Whose suit hath drawn this softness from my eyes,

  Not the world's scorn, nor falling off of friends

  Could ever do. Will you go with me, Margaret?

  MARGARET (rising)

  Go whither, John?


  Go in with me,

  And pray for the peace of our unquiet minds?


  That I will, John.—

  (Exeunt.) The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 4
