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  Alas! how am I chang'd! Where be the tears,

  The sobs, and forc'd suspensions of the breath,

  And all the dull desertions of the heart,

  With which I hung o'er my dead mother's corse?

  Where be the blest subsidings of the storm

  Within, the sweet resignedness of hope

  Drawn heavenward, and strength of filial love

  In which I bow'd me to my father's will?

  My God, and my Redeemer! keep not thou

  My soul in brute and sensual thanklessness

  Seal'd up; oblivious ever of that dear grace,

  And health restor'd to my long-loved friend,

  Long-lov'd, and worthy known. Thou didst not leave

  Her soul in death! O leave not now, my Lord,

  Thy servants in far worse, in spiritual death!

  And darkness blacker than those feared shadows

  Of the valley all must tread. Lend us thy balms,

  Thou dear Physician of the sin-sick soul,

  And heal our cleansed bosoms of the wounds

  With which the world has pierc'd us thro' and thro'.

  Give us new flesh, new birth. Elect of heav'n

  May we become; in thine election sure

  Contain'd, and to one purpose stedfast drawn,

  Our soul's salvation!

  Thou, and I, dear friend,

  With filial recognition sweet, shall know

  One day the face of our dear mother in heaven;

  And her remember'd looks of love shall greet

  With looks of answering love; her placid smiles

  Meet with a smile as placid, and her hand

  With drops of fondness wet, nor fear repulse.

  Be witness for me, Lord, I do not ask

  Those days of vanity to return again

  (Nor fitting me to ask, nor thee to give),

  Vain loves and wanderings with a fair-hair'd maid,

  Child of the dust as I am, who so long

  My captive heart steep'd in idolatry

  And creature-loves. Forgive me, O my Maker!

  If in a mood of grief I sin almost

  In sometimes brooding on the days long past,

  And from the grave of time wishing them back,

  Days of a mother's fondness to her child,

  Her little one.

  O where be now those sports,

  And infant play-games? where the joyous troops

  Of children, and the haunts I did so love?

  O my companions, O ye loved names

  Of friend or playmate dear; gone are ye now;

  Gone diverse ways; to honour and credit some,

  And some, I fear, to ignominy and shame!

  I only am left, with unavailing grief

  To mourn one parent dead, and see one live

  Of all life's joys bereft and desolate:

  Am left with a few friends, and one, above

  The rest, found faithful in a length of years,

  Contented as I may, to bear me on

  To the not unpeaceful evening of a day

  Made black by morning storms!

  September, 1797. The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 4
