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  THE YOUNG CATECHIST 注释标题 A Picture by Henry Meyer, Esq.


  While this tawny Ethiop prayeth,

  Painter, who is she that stayeth

  By, with skin of whitest lustre,

  Sunny locks, a shining cluster,

  Saint-like seeming to direct him

  To the Power that must protect him?

  Is she of the Heaven-born Three,

  Meek Hope, strong Faith, sweet Charity:

  Or some Cherub?—

  They you mention

  Far transcend my weak invention.

  'Tis a simple Christian child,

  Missionary young and mild,

  From her stock of Scriptural knowledge,

  Bible-taught without a college,

  Which by reading she could gather,

  Teaches him to say OUR FATHER

  To the common Parent, who

  Colour not respects, nor hue.

  White and black in him have part,

  Who looks not to the skin, but heart.


  For their elder Sister's hair

  Martha does a wreath prepare

  Of bridal rose, ornate and gay:

  To-morrow is the wedding day:

  She is going.

  Mary, youngest of the three,

  Laughing idler, full of glee,

  Arm in arm does fondly chain her,

  Thinking, poor trifler, to detain her—

  But she's going.

  Vex not, maidens, nor regret

  Thus to part with Margaret.

  Charms like your's can never stay

  Long within doors; and one day

  You'll be going. The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 4
