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  Joanna Bourke, The Story of Pain: From Prayer to Painkillers. Oxford University Press,2014.

  Walter A. Brown, The Placebo Efect in Clinical Practice. Oxford University Press,2013.

  Ronald Melzack and Patrick D. Wall, The Challenge of Pain.2nd edn, Penguin,1996.

  Pain Exhibit online art galleries. painexhibit.org/en/.

  Elaine Scarry, The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World. Oxford University Press,1985.

  Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others. Hamish Hamilton,2003.

  Irene Tracey, The Anatomy of Pain. BBC World Service. January–February2018(www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3cswdkg).

  Irene Tracey, From Agony to Analgesia. BBC Radio 4. August2017 (www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0925604).

  Irene Tracey, How Pain Works. BBC Science Focus. July2017.

  Nicola Twilly, The Neuroscience of Pain. The New Yorker.2 July2018 (www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/07/02/the-neuroscience-of-pain).

  Patrick Wall, Pain: The Science of Sufering. Columbia University Press,2000.


  Pankaj Baral et al., Pain and Immunity: Implications for Host Defence. Nature Reviews Immunology.2019;19(7): 433–447.

  David J. Beard et al., Considerations and Methods for Placebo Controls in Surgical Trials (ASPIRE Guidelines). Lancet.2020; 395(10226): 828–838.

  David L. Bennett et al., The Role of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels in Pain Signaling. Physiological Reviews.2019; 99(2):1079–1151.

  Karen D. Davis et al., Brain Imaging Tests for Chronic Pain: Medical, Legal and Ethical Issues and Recommendations. Nature Reviews Neurology.2017;13(10): 624–638.

  Franziska Denk et al., Pain Vulnerability: A Neurobiological Perspective. Nature Neuroscience.2014;17(2):192–200.

  Peter J. Goadsby et al., An Update: Pathophysiology of Migraine. Neurologic Clinics.2019; 37(4): 651-671.

  Christian A. von Hehn et al., Deconstructing the Neuropathic Pain Phenotype to Reveal Neural Mechanisms. Neuron.2012; 73(4): 638–652.

  Institute of Medicine, Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research. National Academies Press,2011.

  The International Association for the Study of Pain.www.iasp-pain.org.

  David Julius, TRP Channels and Pain. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology.2013;29: 355–384.

  Rohini Kuner et al., Structural Plasticity and Reorganisation in Chronic Pain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.2016;18(1):20-30.

  Stephen McMahon et al. (eds.). Wall and Melzack's Textbook of Pain. 6th edn, Elsevier,2013.

  Irene Tracey et al., Composite Pain Biomarker Signatures for Objective Assessment and Efective Treatment. Neuron.2019;101(5): 783–800. 企鹅科普(第一辑)
