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Joseph Addison's Notes upon the Twelve Books of Paradise Lost; by Albert S. Cook, 1892. (In the Spectator from Dec. 31, 1711-May 3, 1712);
Samuel Austin Allibone's Dictionary of Authors, 1891, vol. ii., pp. 1301-1311;
Matthew Arnold's A French Critic on Milton (see his Mixed Essays, 1880, pp. 260-273);
Walter Bagehot's Literary Studies, by Richard Holt Hutton, 1879, vol. i., 202-219;
Richard Bentley's Emendations on the Twelve Books of Paradise Lost, 1732;
E. H. Bickersteth's Milton's Paradise Lost, 1876. (St. James Lectures, 2d series. Another edition, 1877);
Hugh Blair's Paradise Lost (see his Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 1783, vol. ii., 471-476);
Miss Christian Cann's A Scriptural and Allegorical Glossary to Paradise Lost, 1828;
Charles Dexter Cleveland's Complete Concordance to Milton's Poetical Works, 1867;
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Lectures and Notes on Shakespeare and other English Poets collected by T. Ashe, 1893, pp. 518-529;
William T. Dobson's The Classic Poets, their lives and times etc., 1879;
Charles Eyre's Fall of Adam, from Milton's Paradise Lost, 1852;
George Gilfillan's Second Gallery of Literary Portraits, 1852, pp. 17-25;
S. Humphreys Gurteen's The Epic of the Fall of Man; a comparative Study of Caedmon, Dante, and Milton, 1896;
William Hazlitt On the Character of Milton's Eve (see his Round Table ed. by W. Carew Hazlitt, 1889, pp. 150-158);
William Hazlitt On Milton's Versification (see his Round Table, ed. by W. Carew Hazlitt, 1889, pp. 51-57);
John A. Himes's Study of Milton's Paradise Lost, 1878;
Samuel Johnson's Milton (see his Lives of the Poets; ed. by Mrs. Alexander Napier, 1890, vol. i.);
Thomas Keightley's Introduction to Paradise Lost (see his An account of the Life, Opinions, and Writings of John Milton, 1855, pp. 397-484);
Walter Savage Landor's Imaginary Conversations, Southey and Landor, 1853, vol. ii., 57-74, 156-159;
Thomas Babington Macaulay's Milton (see his Critical and Historical Essays, ed. 10, 1860, vol. i., pp. 1-61);
William Massey's Remarks upon Milton's Paradise Lost, 1761;
David Masson's Introduction to Paradise Lost (see his edition of Milton's Poetical Works, 1893, vol. ii., pp. 1-57);
David Masson's Life of Milton, 1880, vol. vi., 505-558, 621-636;
David Masson's Three Devils (Luther's, Goethe's, and Milton's), (see his Three Devils and other Essays, 1874);
James Peterson's A complete Commentary on Paradise Lost, 1744;
Jonathan Richardson's Explanatory Notes and Remarks on Paradise Lost, 1734;
Edmond Scherer's Milton and Paradise Lost (see his essays on English Literature; Tr. by George Saintsbury, 1891, pp. 134-149);
John Robert Seeley's Milton (see his Roman Imperialism and other Lectures and Essays), 1871, pp. 142-152;
First Edition of Paradise Lost, Book Lore, 1886, iii., 72-75;
J. A. Himes's Cosmology of Paradise Lost, Lutheran Quarterly, 1876, vi., 187-204;
J. A. Himes's Plan of Paradise Lost, New Englander, 1883, xlii., 196-211;
Satan of Milton and the Lucifer of Byron compared, Knickerbocker, 1847, xxx., 150-155;
Satan of Paradise Lost, Dublin University Magazine, 1876, lxxxviii., 707-714;
Augustine Birrell's Obiter Dicta (2d series 1887, pp. 42-51);
Isaac Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature; Bentley's Milton, 1867, pp. 138-139;
Henry Hallam's Literary History of Europe, 1873, ed. 5, vol. iii., pp. 475-483;
Mark Pattison's John Milton, n. d. (English Men of Letters Series);
H. A. Taine's History of English Literature; Tr. by H. Van Laun, 1877, vol. ii., pp. 106-124. National Epics