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J. Colomb de Batines's Bibliografia Dantesca, 2 vols., 1846;
William Coolidge Lane's The Dante collections in the Harvard College and Boston Public Libraries (Bibliographical contributions of the library of Harvard University, 1885);
William Coolidge Lane's Additions to the Dante collection in the Harvard Library (see the Annual Reports of the Dante Society of Cambridge, Mass., 1887);
Brother Azarius's Spiritual Sense of the Divina Commedia (in his Phases of Thought and Criticism, 1892, pp. 125-182);
Henry Clark Barlow's Critical Contributions to the Study of the Divine Comedy, 1865;
Herbert Baynes's Dante and his Ideal, 1891;
Vincenzo Botta's Introduction to the Study of Dante, 1887;
Oscar Browning's Dante, his Life and Writing, 1890, pp. 70-104;
A. J. Butler's Dante, his Time and Work, 1895;
Richard William Church's Dante and Other Essays, 1888, pp. 1-191;
J. Farrazzi's Manuale Dantesco, 5 vols., 1865-77;
William Torrey Harris's Spiritual Sense of Dante's Divina Commedia, 1890;
Francis Hettinger's Dante's Divina Commedia, its Scope and Value, Tr. by H. S. Bowden, 1887 (Roman Catholic standpoint);
J. R. Lowell's Essay on Dante (in his Among my Books, 1876);
Lewis E. Mott's Dante and Beatrice, an Essay on Interpretation, 1892;
Giovanni Andrea Scartazzini's A Companion to Dante, from the German, by A. J. Butler, 1892;
Denton J. Snider's Dante's Inferno: a Commentary, 1892;
Augustus Hopkins Strong's Dante and the Divine Comedy (in his Philosophy and Religion, 1888, pp. 501-524);
John Addington Symonds's An Introduction to the Study of Dante, Ed. 2, 1890;
Paget Toynbee's Dictionary of the Divina Commedia, 2 parts;
William Warren Vernon's Readings on the Purgatorio of Dante, chiefly based on the Commentary of Benvenuto da Imola; Intro. by the Dean of St. Paul's, 2 vols., 1889;
Dr. Edward Moore's Time References in the Divina Commedia, London, 1887;
Dr. E. Moore's Contributions to the Textual Criticism of the Divina Commedia, Cambridge, 1889. National Epics