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National Epics Kate Milner Rabb 5454 2021-04-09 13:29

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  Ulysses, having been directed by Nausicaa, reached the gate of the city, and was there met by Pallas in the guise of a maiden with an urn, who instructed him how to approach the king and queen. He passed through the town, wrapped in a cloud by Pallas, and paused on the threshold of Alcinoüs's palace.

  For on every side beneath

  The lofty roof of that magnanimous king

  A glory shone as of the sun or moon.

  There from the threshold, on each side, were walls

  Of brass that led towards the inner rooms,

  With blue steel cornices. The doors within

  The massive building were of gold, and posts

  Of silver on the brazen threshold stood,

  And silver was the lintel, and above

  Its architrave was gold; and on each side

  Stood gold and silver mastiffs, the rare work

  Of Vulcan's practised skill, placed there to guard

  The house of great Alcinoüs, and endowed

  With deathless life, that knows no touch of age.

  Along the walls within, on either side,

  And from the threshold to the inner rooms,

  Were firmly planted thrones on which were laid

  Delicate mantles, woven by the hands

  Of women. The Phæacian princes here

  Were seated; here they ate and drank, and held

  Perpetual banquet. Slender forms of boys

  In gold upon the shapely altars stood,

  With blazing torches in their hands to light

  At eve the palace guests; while fifty maids

  Waited within the halls, where some in querns

  Ground small the yellow grain; some wove the web

  Or twirled the spindle, sitting, with a quick

  Light motion, like the aspen's glancing leaves.

  The well-wrought tissues glistened as with oil.

  As far as the Phæacian race excel

  In guiding their swift galleys o'er the deep,

  So far the women in their woven work

  Surpass all others. Pallas gives them skill

  In handiwork and beautiful design.

  Without the palace-court and near the gate,

  A spacious garden of four acres lay.

  A hedge enclosed it round, and lofty trees

  Flourished in generous growth within,—the pear

  And the pomegranate, and the apple-tree

  With its fair fruitage, and the luscious fig

  And olive always green. The fruit they bear

  Falls not, nor ever fails in winter time

  Nor summer, but is yielded all the year.

  The ever-blowing west-wind causes some

  To swell and some to ripen; pear succeeds

  To pear; to apple, apple, grape to grape,

  Fig ripens after fig. A fruitful field

  Of vines was planted near; in part it lay

  Open and basking in the sun, which dried

  The soil, and here men gathered in the grapes,

  And there they trod the wine-press. Farther on

  Were grapes unripened yet, which just had cast

  The flower, and others still which just began

  To redden. At the garden's furthest bound

  Were beds of many plants that all the year

  Bore flowers. There gushed two fountains: one of them

  Ran wandering through the field; the other flowed

  Beneath the threshold to the palace-court,

  And all the people filled their vessels there.

  Such were the blessings which the gracious gods

  Bestowed on King Alcinoüs and his house.

  Bryant's Translation, Book VII. National Epics
