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R. W. Brown's History of Roman Classical Literature, n. d., pp. 257-265;
John Alfred Church's Story of the Aeneid, 1886;
Domenico Comparetti's Virgil in the Middle Ages, Tr. by Benecke, 1895;
C. T. Cruttwell's Virgil (see his History of Roman Literature, n. d. pp. 252-375);
John Davis's Observations on the poems of Homer and Virgil, out of the French, 1672;
James Henry's Aeneidea: or Critical, Exegetical, and Aesthetical Remarks on the Aeneis, 1873;
James Henry's Notes of Twelve Years' Voyage of Discovery in the first six Books of the Aeneid, 1853;
J. W. Mackail's Virgil (see his Latin Literature, 1895, pp. 91-106);
H. Nettleship's The Aeneid (see his Vergil, 1880, pp. 45-74);
H. T. Peck and R. Arrowsmith's Roman Life in Latin Prose and Verse, 1894, pp. 68-70;
Leonhard Schmitz's History of Latin Literature, 1877, pp. 106-108;
W. Y. Sellar's Roman Poets of the Augustan Age, Vergil, Ed. 2, 1883;
W. S. Teuffel's Aeneis (see his History of Roman Literature, 1891, pp. 434-439);
J. S. Tunison's Master Virgil, the author of the Aeneid, as he seemed in the Middle Ages, 1888;
Robert Y. Tyrrell's Virgil (see his Latin Poetry, 1895, pp. 126-161);
A Forgotten Virtue, Macmillan, 1895, xii. 51-56, an article on the Aeneid, "the epic of piety;"
Scene of the last six books of the Aeneid, Blackwood, 1832, xxxii. 76-87;
A. A. Knight's The Year in the Aeneid, Education, 1886, vi. 612-616;
William C. Cawton's The Underworld in Homer, Virgil, and Dante, Atlantic, 1884, liv. 99-110. National Epics