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Castle Gordon

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  Castle Gordon

  Streams that glide in orient plains,

  Never bound by Winter's chains;

  Glowing here on golden sands,

  There immix'd with foulest stains

  From Tyranny's empurpled hands;

  These, their richly gleaming waves,

  I leave to tyrants and their slaves;

  Give me the stream that sweetly laves

  The banks by Castle Gordon.

  Spicy forests, ever gray,

  Shading from the burning ray

  Hapless wretches sold to toil;

  Or the ruthless native's way,

  Bent on slaughter, blood, and spoil:

  Woods that ever verdant wave,

  I leave the tyrant and the slave;

  Give me the groves that lofty brave

  The storms by Castle Gordon.

  Wildly here, without control,

  Nature reigns and rules the whole;

  In that sober pensive mood,

  Dearest to the feeling soul,

  She plants the forest, pours the flood:

  Life's poor day I'll musing rave

  And find at night a sheltering cave,

  Where waters flow and wild woods wave,

  By bonie Castle Gordon. Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
