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Amelio, Gil.1. HarperBusiness, 1998.
Berlin, Leslie. The Man behind the Microchip. Oxford, 2005.
Butcher, Lee.. Paragon House, 1988.
Carlton, Jim. Apple. Random House, 1997.
Cringely, Robert X.1. Addison Wesley, 1992.
Deutschman, Alan.1. Broadway Books, 2000.
Elliot, Jay, with William Simon.1. Vanguard, 2011.
Freiberger, Paul, and Michael Swaine.1. McGraw-Hill, 1984.
Garr, Doug. Woz. Avon, 1984.
Hertzfeld, Andy.1. O’Reilly, 2005. (See also his website, folklore.org.)
Hiltzik, Michael.1. HarperBusiness, 1999.
Jobs, Steve. Smithsonian oral history interview with Daniel Morrow, April 20, 1995.
Jobs, Steve. Stanford commencement address, June 12, 2005.
Kahney, Leander.1. Portfolio, 2008. (See also his website, cultofmac.com.)
Kawasaki, Guy.1. Scott, Foresman, 1989.
Knopper, Steve.1. Free Press, 2009.
Kot, Greg. Ripped. Scribner, 2009.
Kunkel, Paul. AppleDesign. Graphis Inc., 1997.
Levy, Steven. Hackers. Doubleday, 1984.
Levy, Steven.1. Viking Penguin, 1994.
Levy, Steven.1. Simon & Schuster, 2006.
Linzmayer, Owen.1. No Starch Press, 2004.
Malone, Michael.1. Doubleday, 1999.
Markoff, John.1. Viking Penguin, 2005.
McNish, Jacquie.1. Doubleday Canada, 1998.
Moritz, Michael.1. Overlook Press, 2009. Originally published, without prologue and epilogue, as1(Morrow, 1984).
Nocera, Joe.1. Portfolio, 2008.
Paik, Karen.1! Chronicle Books, 2007.
Price, David.1. Knopf, 2008.
Rose, Frank.1. Viking, 1989.
Sculley, John.1. Harper & Row, 1987.
Sheff, David. “Playboy Interview: Steve Jobs.”1, February 1985.
Simpson, Mona.1. Knopf, 1986.
Simpson, Mona.1. Knopf, 1996.
Smith, Douglas, and Robert Alexander.1. Morrow, 1988.
Stross, Randall.1. Atheneum, 1993.
“Triumph of the Nerds,” PBS Television, hosted by Robert X. Cringely, June 1996.
Wozniak, Steve, with Gina Smith.1. Norton, 2006.
Young, Jeffrey.1. Scott, Foresman, 1988.
Young, Jeffrey, and William Simon.1. John Wiley, 2005. 从华尔街到硅谷(套装共9册)