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5.3.1 Results for Listening Comprehension

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  5.3.1 Results for Listening Comprehension

  Table 39 Descriptive Statistics for Listening Comprehension Scores of Two Cycles

  Note. Group A=listening one time; Group B=listening three times; Group C=schema raising+listening three times; Group D=inferencing training+listening three times; M=mean; SD=standard deviation.

  As Table 39 shows, the range in scores was considerable (i. e.0-10) and the groups varied in mean scores (i. e.4.07-8.09), indicating substantial variance in the sample as a whole. Also, the means show that all groups scored higher in Cycle 1 than in Cycle 2, indicating that the tasks in Cycle 2 were more difficult. Groups B, C, and D scored markedly higher than Group A (three-time listening vs. one-time listening). Within the three-time listening groups, the mean scores of Group C in both listening cycles were lower than those of Groups B and D. Whereas Group B outscored Groups C and D on listening comprehension in Cycle 1, but this advantage was lost to Group D in listening Cycle 2.

  ANOVA shows there was an overall statistically significant difference among the four groups in listening Cycle 1 (df=3, F=23.980, p=.000, see Table 1 in Appendix E for the ANOVA table of listening comprehension scores in Cycle 1). A post hoc Scheffe test (Table 40) shows that Group A scored significantly lower than Groups B, C and D. However, the difference among the three-time listening groups was not statistically significant.

  Table 40 Scheffe Test of Differences in Listening Comprehension Scores among the Four Groups in Cycle 1

  The same phenomenon was observed in listening Cycle 2. There was also an overall statistically significant difference among the four groups (df=3, F=12.009, p=.000, see Table 2 in Appendix E for the ANOVA table of listening comprehension scores in Cycle 2). A post hoc Scheffe test (Table 41) also shows that Group A scored significantly lower than the other three groups, and again, the differences among Groups B, C and D were not statistically significant.

  Table 41 Scheffe Test of Differences in Listening Comprehension Scores among the Four Groups in Cycle 2 元认知策略研究:二语听力理解与附带词汇习得(英文版)
